Mr_Bull_: Fiona, Sean, Anika
Mr_Bull_: Fiona at Westlake Park
Mr_Bull_: Fiona loves Shopping
Mr_Bull_: The Giving Tree
Mr_Bull_: at The Giving Tree
Mr_Bull_: Fiona n' Anika on bus
Mr_Bull_: Fiona on Bus
Mr_Bull_: At the Park
Mr_Bull_: Anika at Park
Mr_Bull_: Julie and Fiona
Mr_Bull_: With the GTO
Mr_Bull_: The Crumpet Shop
Mr_Bull_: Waiting for the 99
Mr_Bull_: Anika and Jean
Mr_Bull_: Fiona's Cookies
Mr_Bull_: Spinning and Falling
Mr_Bull_: You walk on the tops, and I'll walk on the bottoms