SeanGleeson: Swell 3D happy anaglyph girl
SeanGleeson: A whole box of 3D glasses
SeanGleeson: Charles Wheatstone quote
SeanGleeson: Declaration of Independence anaglyph
SeanGleeson: Club Penguin fan art in 3D
SeanGleeson: Euro coins in 3D
SeanGleeson: Saint Bonaventure in 3-D
SeanGleeson: Cow skull wearing Hannah Montana wig and 3-D glasses
SeanGleeson: Birth of a Pearl
SeanGleeson: Color Anaglyph methods compared
SeanGleeson: TV Guide with Miley Cyrus on the cover
SeanGleeson: The Woman in the White Skirt
SeanGleeson: The Podium Chronicles, 3D comic book sketch
SeanGleeson: Sisters: Antique 3-D Cheesecake No. 4
SeanGleeson: Simulated marker drawing with Google Sketchup
SeanGleeson: The Campus, fantasy levels
SeanGleeson: Boxer Rebellion Prisoner, China 1900
SeanGleeson: The Clinging Vine
SeanGleeson: Walking 3-D Silhouettes
SeanGleeson: Ancient Stone Stairway
SeanGleeson: Saints Faustinus and Jovita in 3-D