sean dreilinger:
nick and his pirate face - DSC00044
sean dreilinger:
nick walking home from our run to the river - DSC00052
sean dreilinger:
nick at the willamette river - DSC00049
sean dreilinger:
nick and some ferns on the trail - DSC00047
sean dreilinger:
nick and some ferns on the trail - DSC00046
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trillium flowers on the trail - DSC00042
sean dreilinger:
mossy sidewalk - DSC00038
sean dreilinger:
trail down to the willamette river - DSC00035
sean dreilinger:
nick on the coaster train - DSC00034
sean dreilinger:
loud train - DSC00033
sean dreilinger:
excited, waiting for the train to encinitas - DSC00031
sean dreilinger:
beach sunset for rachel, nick, sequoia - DSC00020
sean dreilinger:
dream house near our own - DSC00015
sean dreilinger:
sunset over a neighbor's house - DSC00013
sean dreilinger:
high point of my local hill run - DSC00011
sean dreilinger:
from a snowy run - DSC00008
sean dreilinger:
sean and sequoia via cell-cam - DSC00005
sean dreilinger:
baked halibut with portabella mushrooms - DSC00053
sean dreilinger:
anna serving baked halibut and portabello mushrooms - DSC00055
sean dreilinger:
chips and his crack pipe, er medication - DSC00057
sean dreilinger:
anna cutting fresh pineapple and strawberries - DSC00058
sean dreilinger:
fresh pineapple and strawberries for dessert - DSC00060
sean dreilinger:
kent and austin in the inter@ctivate reception area - DSC00061
sean dreilinger:
tree with blossoms on our walk - DSC00062
sean dreilinger:
nick standing on a bunch of blossoms - DSC00063
sean dreilinger:
neighbor's meadow, horse and all - DSC00066
sean dreilinger:
megan running down cornell road - DSC00067
sean dreilinger:
sequoia in the backpack for an outing - _MG_2873
sean dreilinger:
rachel making her baby laugh - DSC00070
sean dreilinger:
sequoia and sean - DSC00072