sean dreilinger:
nick colored in his birthday card from great grandma joan - _MG_5126
sean dreilinger:
coloring his birthday card from great grandma joan - _MG_5130
sean dreilinger:
the lego box is so big, the boy so small - _MG_5165
sean dreilinger:
assembling the coach-class cabin - _MG_5168
sean dreilinger:
nick following pictographic lego instructions - _MG_5173
sean dreilinger:
securing the wings - _MG_5177
sean dreilinger:
once the wings are attached, its a PLANE - _MG_5180
sean dreilinger:
our stoic, steadfast captain - _MG_5186
sean dreilinger:
cockpit controls - over the pilot's shoulder - _MG_5187
sean dreilinger:
nick, playing with legos - _MG_5190
sean dreilinger:
terror threat level: tongue - _MG_5194
sean dreilinger:
trying out the airplane doors - _MG_5198
sean dreilinger:
nick taxiing his finished lego passenger plane - _MG_5202
sean dreilinger:
the airport crew of lego kit 7893 - _MG_5211