seancuttlefish: John Armleder, Voltes III (2004)
seancuttlefish: John Armleder, Voltes III (2004)
seancuttlefish: Anish Kapoor, Untitled (2008)
seancuttlefish: Anish Kapoor, Untitled (2008)
seancuttlefish: Anish Kapoor, Untitled (2008)
seancuttlefish: Philippe Decrauzat, Shut and Open at the Same Time (2008)
seancuttlefish: Philippe Decrauzat, Shut and Open at the Same Time (2008)
seancuttlefish: Philippe Decrauzat, Shut and Open at the Same Time (2008)
seancuttlefish: Jeppe Hein, Rotating Labyrinth (2007)
seancuttlefish: Jeppe Hein, Rotating Labyrinth (2007)
seancuttlefish: Carsten Holler, Light Corner (2001)
seancuttlefish: Carsten Holler, Light Corner (2001)
seancuttlefish: Jeppe Hein, Rotating Labyrinth (2007)
seancuttlefish: Francois Morellet, Triple X Neonly (2012)
seancuttlefish: Francois Morellet, Triple X Neonly (2012)
seancuttlefish: Francois Morellet, Triple X Neonly (2012)
seancuttlefish: Stephen Antonakos, Hanging Neon (1962)
seancuttlefish: Stephen Antonakos, Hanging Neon (1962)
seancuttlefish: Stephen Antonakos, Hanging Neon (1962)
seancuttlefish: Stephen Antonakos, Hanging Neon (1962)
seancuttlefish: Dan Flavin, Untitled (1973)
seancuttlefish: Dan Flavin, Untitled (1973)
seancuttlefish: Dan Flavin, Untitled (1973)
seancuttlefish: Julio Le Parc, Cloison a Lames Reflechissantes (1966)
seancuttlefish: Julio Le Parc, Cloison a Lames Reflechissantes (1966)
seancuttlefish: Julio Le Parc, Cloison a Lames Reflechissantes (1966)
seancuttlefish: Florian and Mick Quistrebert, Ex Futuro (2010)
seancuttlefish: Francisco Sobrino, Transformation Instable Juxtaposition Superposition (1963-2001)
seancuttlefish: Francisco Sobrino, Transformation Instable Juxtaposition Superposition (1963-2001)
seancuttlefish: Heinz Mack, Zwischen Himmel und Erde (1966-2005)