seanaes: Arrival in Austin - look at those new points :)
seanaes: Baratunde got a limo dude - shady
seanaes: First Margarita. It's like 11:30am at this point.
seanaes: Queso.
seanaes: Delicious cocktails
seanaes: foursquare court before things got nuts
seanaes: I chalked out the court and this sweet crown - mayor square
seanaes: Close up of the giant Pepsi Max tv screen truck
seanaes: Ran and I switching glasses
seanaes: 8-bit check-ins (fun) and Unlock the golden ticket (win! - although I didn't need it - gave it to a friend of dHarmeshes)
seanaes: Screen up at the place for the 4sq superuser meetup
seanaes: At Ignite SXSW thay had LED throwies - and Lone Star
seanaes: Carousolar was awesome
seanaes: Dharmesh has never been happier
seanaes: Solar charging our phones
seanaes: Coolhaus + Firefox mobile ice cream sandwiches are the BEST
seanaes: Redeem this for some actual paper tickets
seanaes: Home Slice
seanaes: Home Slice
seanaes: Mini Flan at the Four Seasons
seanaes: Hash hiding in the bloody mary shrubbery
seanaes: Then we relaxed by the pool. Lovely
seanaes: ITP Meetup - super awesome thanks to @chasing and @xinroman for organizing
seanaes: foursquare team dinner - strip mall bbq place way out of downtown btw
seanaes: Trombone band
seanaes: @dens giving his talk/interview
seanaes: groupme grilled cheese
seanaes: IMG_2762
seanaes: Just hanging out with XTRANORMAL
seanaes: IMG_2767