Seakayem: blue panel ii: nga detail
Seakayem: reflections on nature and art
Seakayem: kingston detail with automotive reflection
Seakayem: daydream i: stuck indoors on a beautiful day
Seakayem: triptych: red
Seakayem: books can be dangerous
Seakayem: north terrace flashback with milkcrates: tuxedo cat
Seakayem: garrison church detail defocus
Seakayem: ambience
Seakayem: proudly unrefined
Seakayem: look (don't touch) - architectural still life
Seakayem: this charming man
Seakayem: to paraphrase: there is no such thing as ... [an] immoral book ... [only] badly written [ones]
Seakayem: across the street
Seakayem: 01 PEEK TFEL
Seakayem: belconnen skyline, emu bank pond, lake ginninderra, belconnen
Seakayem: lake windermere, november 2019.