Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 2: "View from your window"..
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 4..."Something you ate"
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 6: "Looking up" ...can't wait to see this exhibit at the Woodruff Arts Center downtown.
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 7 : "Friendship" and bunny
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 8: "Hands"...Those are Logan's hands. He now plays the violin, guitar, banjo and bass guitar...and he rocks!
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 9: "Inside your junk drawer"...yeah, not very interesting (and seriously, if i were choosing topics for a photography "challenge", i think i could come up with something a LOT more challenging than your junk drawer. dumb)
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 11: "Something Red"
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 12: "A Shadow"..thanks for your help Logan!
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 13: "Makes you laugh"...She's the funniest person I know.
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 15: "Your Handwriting"
Love Street Photography (Melanie): Day 16: "A Memory"...