Youssef Amaaou: "Easy, it's all history"
Youssef Amaaou: Welcome to Sarajevo!
Youssef Amaaou: Man is the only animal that is cruel. It kills just for the sake of it. ~Mark Twain
Youssef Amaaou: A happy place.
Youssef Amaaou: “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” Ernest Hemingway
Youssef Amaaou: The crying wall.
Youssef Amaaou: How to start a good day in Sarajevo!
Youssef Amaaou: "Woooooo!"
Youssef Amaaou: Tenderness.
Youssef Amaaou: The power of fruits..I love them and the explosion of their colours..I've always thought if there should be any proof of the existence of God then it must be fruits.
Youssef Amaaou: After having gone through such a tragic war I guess you have to keep some sense of humour..
Youssef Amaaou: Old fashion.