Youssef Amaaou: The World's...
Youssef Amaaou: Shadowed statue. Capitomini Mueums, Rome.
Youssef Amaaou: the replica equestrian statue of Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. The original is in the nearby Capitoline Museum.
Youssef Amaaou: DSC_4475-4
Youssef Amaaou: Colossus of Constantine c. 307-312 (See set)
Youssef Amaaou: Into eternity..
Youssef Amaaou: DSC_4372-4
Youssef Amaaou: Giving it a scale.
Youssef Amaaou: The right hand with the upraised index finger.
Youssef Amaaou: The left foot
Youssef Amaaou: DSC_4397-4
Youssef Amaaou: The left foot
Youssef Amaaou: Giving it a scale.
Youssef Amaaou: The right foot
Youssef Amaaou: The right arm with elbow
Youssef Amaaou: The left shin