seabed7: N/W Swell in Dec. 2014
seabed7: Backs almost surfable.
seabed7: The bay surge is on...
seabed7: Kenny un-asses his wave...
seabed7: Kenny on a bomb
seabed7: Mr. Canada...hey
seabed7: Fat Grindy
seabed7: White world
seabed7: The sirens song...
seabed7: OMG finally a lull...launch now or eat HCL H2O...
seabed7: Mr. Canada Hey & Ken on hold
seabed7: Water, rock and sky have merged
seabed7: Slot Sluts
seabed7: Splash one...
seabed7: The clam just before it is not...
seabed7: Splash 2...
seabed7: The Peak smiles...alone
seabed7: Off the bottom...sweet
seabed7: He makes the section...
seabed7: In the time
seabed7: A wind thing
seabed7: Junky funky fun...
seabed7: The day is beginning with a pushing tide...
seabed7: The waves back speaks to volume
seabed7: Ganga Bowl
seabed7: Duck Dive...this? hahahaha
seabed7: A another place with no name...:{x-