seabed7: DSC_8386
seabed7: DSC_8414
seabed7: DSC_8458
seabed7: The short cut...
seabed7: High Tide, swell and earth meet here.
seabed7: High Tide, swell and earth meet here.
seabed7: High Tide, swell and earth meet here.
seabed7: The Welcome Mat on April 17, 2015
seabed7: A niche of sorts... one of note.
seabed7: A niche of sorts... one to be aware of.
seabed7: Why the signs say stay off the rocks...
seabed7: My shore your shore we all love the in shore.
seabed7: "Its'" peak...
seabed7: Ah...yup
seabed7: Until the next swell...
seabed7: The Mean Machine
seabed7: The Mean Machine
seabed7: GWO_3711
seabed7: Um...It's apparently high tide... a consideration.
seabed7: Duck Dive...this? hahahaha in your dreams.
seabed7: In the land of Sky Blue Water...
seabed7: GWO_2663
seabed7: GWO_2649
seabed7: GWO_2647
seabed7: GWO_2644