seabed7: South Swell Fun 7/2012
seabed7: South Swell Fun 7/2012
seabed7: Feeling Good inside
seabed7: Time to go...the day slips away as do the waves.
seabed7: A Check is not a Burn
seabed7: On old Surf Movies
seabed7: Doing what ever it takes
seabed7: Asphalt Chatter
seabed7: Is it Football Season?
seabed7: It is Nice agan according to Paulie
seabed7: Bev's honey & wave counts
seabed7: Over yonder...later
seabed7: Tides and differencials, pontifications...:{I
seabed7: A Goober Chick? Oh dear...
seabed7: Every 10 to 20... reset the clocks.
seabed7: It did! Crap...
seabed7: Every once in a while it hangs from the neck running...
seabed7: Rotten little snot nose...
seabed7: The House
seabed7: Lines and reflections...
seabed7: Fools...the South Wind blew early, crap.
seabed7: On winging and dinging...blam blam blam...:{)
seabed7: It's bigger then it looks.
seabed7: Paulie has a past... and?
seabed7: Yum Yum moments but yesterday was better...
seabed7: Surfers & the CHP
seabed7: Once upon a time in Mexico "The Return" Rated PG
seabed7: Second peak at Shark Bites
seabed7: Bubba and the Old Skin Dog Board.
seabed7: Willow Clip...