sdufaux: Marseille #lift11
sdufaux: Hot in Marseille - time for a drink #lift11
sdufaux: Egoïste
sdufaux: QR Codes Land #lift11
sdufaux: Collaborative consumption in the city #lift11
sdufaux: Rise of the machines #lift11 #fish
sdufaux: Déjeuner avec @yan_luong @Xavier83 @mccasal #lift11 #LiftCateringNoWay #BBQ
sdufaux: Yummy! - BBQ & gratin de courgettes #lift11
sdufaux: Smart cities by @saskiasassen #lift11
sdufaux: This is worse! We are in level 4! We are totally infected by our digital devices! I need a detox! #lift11
sdufaux: Paella #fail, what's next? #lift11
sdufaux: Marseille view, without paella #fail #lift11
sdufaux: And voilà! The desert is processed tiramisu. Disappointing #lift11
sdufaux: just a beer #lift11
sdufaux: Second day starting in a few secs @liftconference #lift11
sdufaux: Yummy #lift11
sdufaux: At the top of Marseille