Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: Removing The camera and light system from The Parker Road tollbooth (LIndamood Demolition
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: 345c being unloaded parker road Tollbooth demolition
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: two trackhoes in place Parker Road Tollbooth demo
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: 345C trackhoe parker road tollbooth
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: Jake Lindamood In front of the 450c trackhoe
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: Jake Lindamood cutting through The steel
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: first piece down Parker Road
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: First trackhoe arrives on the scene parker road tollbooth demoltion Plano Texas
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: Parker Road toll booth before demo
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: Northwest Hwy tollbooth northbound demolished. Dallas Texas
Dallas photographer Scott Dorn: Begining stage Northwest Hwy tollbooth demo