S. McCain: The Horde Gathers
S. McCain: Kevin & Steve & Random Dog
S. McCain: Kathleen Tries To Ignore The Camera In Her Face
S. McCain: Trees Near Basketball Courts
S. McCain: Face-off With Danny
S. McCain: Silhouette
S. McCain: Reflections
S. McCain: Reeds
S. McCain: Reeds Clos-up
S. McCain: On The Community Center Beach
S. McCain: On The Community Center Beach
S. McCain: Obligatory Greenlake Duck Photo
S. McCain: Waterplants At The Drain
S. McCain: Dead Lilypad
S. McCain: More Reflections
S. McCain: Greenlake Kayaker
S. McCain: Greenlake Kayaker
S. McCain: Reloading Shot
S. McCain: Lakeshore
S. McCain: Trees Near Shellhouse
S. McCain: Another Kayaker Heads Out
S. McCain: Kathleen Contemplates A Photo
S. McCain: Kathleen & Kevin Standing About
S. McCain: Horsetails
S. McCain: Hazy Sky
S. McCain: Cool R/C Boat
S. McCain: bmarkey & Friend
S. McCain: Willow & Clouds
S. McCain: Willow & Clouds
S. McCain: Wandering Back To Tacos Guaymas