sczscz: P5281326
sczscz: Roof panorama
sczscz: P6053135
sczscz: P6053138
sczscz: P6053139
sczscz: Falling snow trails in Aldebert Terrace
sczscz: Aldebert Terrace in falling snow
sczscz: St Stephen's Terrace in falling snow
sczscz: Aldebert Terrace in falling snow
sczscz: Aldebert Terrace in snow
sczscz: Tree and snow, Aldebert Terrace
sczscz: Snow ball stops traffic, Albert Square
sczscz: Albert Square in the snow
sczscz: Albert Square in the snow
sczscz: Albert Square trees and snow II
sczscz: Albert Square trees and snow
sczscz: Snow topped pillar box, Wilkinson Street
sczscz: Tradescant memorial
sczscz: Tradescant Road rooves
sczscz: St Stephen's bell
sczscz: The old dispensary
sczscz: Snow and blossom, St Stephen's Terrace
sczscz: Albert Square from Aldebert Terrace
sczscz: Snow tree - Aldebert Terrace
sczscz: Snow tree - Aldebert Terrace
sczscz: Snow in February - Aldebert Terrace
sczscz: Tree and snow, Aldebert Terrace II
sczscz: Sunset under clouds
sczscz: Aldebert Terrace
sczscz: Albert Square