THEJETMAN: 020 Michael heading out below
THEJETMAN: 021 Michael heading out
THEJETMAN: 022 Wing Ridge to the north
THEJETMAN: 023 Michael and Harold lead the way
THEJETMAN: 024 Wing Ridge to the north
THEJETMAN: 025 Upper Bonnie Lake
THEJETMAN: 026 Michael and Lower Bonnie Lake
THEJETMAN: 027 Creek to Lower Bonnie Lake
THEJETMAN: 027 Morning sun over Bonnie lakes
THEJETMAN: 028 White crumbling granite
THEJETMAN: 029 The creek at Bonnie lakes
THEJETMAN: 030 Final view of Bonnie and our plateau
THEJETMAN: 031 Crumbling white granite
THEJETMAN: 032 Following the creek down
THEJETMAN: 033 The winding creek
THEJETMAN: 034 Reds and yellows along the creek
THEJETMAN: 035 The elk meadows
THEJETMAN: 036 Wing Ridge trailsign
THEJETMAN: 037 Aspen grove
THEJETMAN: 038 Aspen grove
THEJETMAN: 039 The valley we came up
THEJETMAN: 040 Wait - what's that in the distance
THEJETMAN: 042 EUREKA - Golden Delicious
THEJETMAN: 041 Could it be - the end is near
THEJETMAN: 043 Through the burn
THEJETMAN: 044 Final crossing
THEJETMAN: 045 Eagle Cap Wilderness sign
THEJETMAN: 046 The Eastern Wallowas from the northeast
THEJETMAN: 047 The Wallowa Mountain Range