Scubatrack: 033.Lenartovce station with MAV and ZSR Bzmots
Scubatrack: 21.Red sky at night at Banreve with train to Miskolc right~1
Scubatrack: 15.view back the other way towards Lenartovce from Hungary
Scubatrack: 12.view into Hungary from Slovakia note signs but also the~1
Scubatrack: 098.Mk.48 2002 from the woods side at Harmashegy
Scubatrack: 003.M41 2133 stands at Zahony about to make the morning ru~1
Scubatrack: 059.driver awaits another trip at Vidampark
Scubatrack: 01.Hungary MAV Papa, Bzmot from Csoma in BAY
Scubatrack: 03.Hungary MAV Celldomolk Bzmot on jacks in adjacent mpd
Scubatrack: 18.Hungary MAV Tatabanya BAY Plat.5a with Oroszlany shuttle arrived and awaiting return
Scubatrack: 17.Hungary MAV Oroszlany with V43 1333 on the shuttle from Tatabanya
Scubatrack: 45.Hungary AEV ecs arrive Palhaza
Scubatrack: 22.Hungaey AEV Kokapu Udulo just before tunnel train paused for museum visit!
Scubatrack: 21.Hungary AEV clear view of the tunnel from rear window the only tunnel on an AEV line!
Scubatrack: 17.Hungary AEV Rostallo station with view of station past buffers
Scubatrack: 01.Hungary AEV Palhaza, single wood stove warmed coach sits in platform
Scubatrack: 16.Hungary MAV Battonya view back from the very end of line
Scubatrack: 13.Hungary MAV view of Battonya station from end of line past last pointsman hut
Scubatrack: 11.Hungary MAV Bzmot 380 stands at Battonya
Scubatrack: 08.Hungary MAV Oroshaza, MDmot passes Bzmot
Scubatrack: 06.Hungary MAV M31 2015 shunter snowplough plinthed at Szentes
Scubatrack: 07.Hungary MAV Bcmot 395 single car dmu plinthed at Lakitek
Scubatrack: 02.Hungary MAV Bzmot at Kondoros
Scubatrack: 04.Hungary MAV Ujszeged, Bzmot arrived at station
Scubatrack: 151.Hungary HEV unit 868 at Dunaharaszti Kulso
Scubatrack: 10.Hungary MAV Dunapataj view past Bzmot towards lines end
Scubatrack: 06.Hungary MAV Dunapataj view back of unit in station
Scubatrack: 04.Hungary MAV Kunszentmiklos-Tass close up of M62 194 10th October plate
Scubatrack: 03.Hungary MAV Kunszentmiklos-Tass M62 194
Scubatrack: 12.Hungary MAV Szeged with Serbian Railways DMU power car back on trailer