scubaluna: Skeleton-Shrimps in the backlight, Gespensterkrabben im Gegenlicht
scubaluna: Common Marbled Shrimp (Saron marmoratus)
scubaluna: Gorgonian sea fan next to the reef wall
scubaluna: Tasseled Scorpionfish, Fransen-Drachenkopf (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala)
scubaluna: Neonsternschnecke, Kunbaryanas`s Nembrotha (Nembrotha kubaryana)
scubaluna: Sahaung Colors
scubaluna: Anker`s whip coral shirmp, Drahtkorallen-Garnele (Pontonides ankeri)
scubaluna: Sea star shrimp in the spot light (Periclimenes soror)
scubaluna: surface of a hard coral (labyrinth coral)
scubaluna: Hermit crab on shore leave
scubaluna: Clutch of damselfish, anemonefish / Gelege vom Anemonenfisch
scubaluna: Softcoral in the backlight
scubaluna: Dense school of yellow sweepers
scubaluna: Striped or Hairy frogfish yellow variation - Antennarius striatus - Gestreifter Anglerfisch
scubaluna: Good Morning
scubaluna: Two ants head to head
scubaluna: Algae Shrimp (Phycocaris simulans)
scubaluna: hearty
scubaluna: Magnificent Anemone Shrimp (Ancylomenes magnificus)
scubaluna: Jumping Spider, Springspinne
scubaluna: Beautford's Crocodilefish, Braunkopf Krokodilfisch (Cymbacephalus beauforti)
scubaluna: Crab Eyes, Krabbenaugen
scubaluna: Decorator Crab
scubaluna: Mushroom Coral Shrimp (Cuapetes kororensis)
scubaluna: Durchsichtige Korallen-Zwerggrundel, Translucent Coral Goby (Bryaninops erythrops)
scubaluna: Kneecap Coral, Kniescheibenkoralle (Cycloseris patelliformis)
scubaluna: Mantisshrimp, Fangschreckenkrebs (Lysiosquillina lisa)
scubaluna: Texture of a bubble coral, Oberfläche einer Blasenkoralle (Plerogyra sinuosa)
scubaluna: Coral Polyps in the Backlight
scubaluna: Crab Eyes, Krabbenaugen