scubaluna: Colorful hustle and bustle on the coral reef
scubaluna: Soft Coral, Stachelige Weichkoralle (Stereonephthya sp)
scubaluna: Long-spined Sea Urchin, Blue Spotted Sea Urchin (Astropyga radiata)
scubaluna: Stalked Ascidian, Seescheide (Clavelina robusta)
scubaluna: Flatworm, Gelbpunkt-Strudelwurm (Thysanozoon flavotuberculatum)
scubaluna: Flatworm Discodoris (Discodoris boholiensis) II
scubaluna: Schwarz-linierte Schlundsackschnecke, Black-lined sapsucking slug (Cyerce nigra)
scubaluna: Translucent Coral Goby , Durchsichtige Korallen-Zwerggrundel (Bryaninops erythrops)
scubaluna: Harlequin Swimmer Crab; Harlekin Schwimmkrabbe (Lissocarcinus laevis)
scubaluna: the eye of the hermit crab
scubaluna: Geisterkopfmuräne, Ribbon Eel (Rhinomuraena quaesita)
scubaluna: Harlequin Swimmer Crab; Harlekin Schwimmkrabbe (Lissocarcinus laevis)
scubaluna: Two Coleman Shrimp, Zwei Feuerseeigel Garnelen (Periclimenes colemani)
scubaluna: Drahtkorallen-Garnelen, Whip Coral Shrimps on Black Coral (Pontonides ankeri)
scubaluna: Sea fans and schools of fish
scubaluna: Blue Dragon Nudibranch Portrait (Pteraeolidia ianthina)III
scubaluna: Stalked Green Ascidian, Pilz-Seescheide (Nephteis fascicularis)II
scubaluna: Diana`s Chromodoris Nudibranch (Chromodoris dianae)
scubaluna: Freckled sea hare (Aplysia parvula)
scubaluna: Tube Coral Tentacle, Kelchkoralle (Tubinaria)
scubaluna: Surface texture of a bubble coral
scubaluna: Kuro Sapsucking Slug (Costeasiella kuroshimae)
scubaluna: Indonesian coral reef scenery, Indonesisches Korallenriff
scubaluna: Ambon Scorpionfish , Ambon Skorpionfisch (Pteroidichthys amboinensis)
scubaluna: Coral polyp close-up
scubaluna: Translucent Coral Goby, Durchsichtige Korallen-Zwerggrundel (Bryaninops erythrops)
scubaluna: Redline Flabellina, Fadenschnecke (Flabellina rubrolineata)
scubaluna: Halfspined-flathead eye, Blackblotch flathead eye (Sorsogona prionota)
scubaluna: illuminated, angestrahlt
scubaluna: Psychedelic Batwing Slug, Psychedelische Fledermausschnecke (Sagaminopteron psychedelicum)