scubaluna: Orange Anemonefish, Orangener Anemonenfisch (Amphiprion sandaracinos)
scubaluna: Comb Jellyfish, Rippenqualle BWD
scubaluna: Bobbit Bobbit Worm at night (Eunice aphroditois)
scubaluna: Small Filefish, kleiner Feilenfisch (Monacanthidae)
scubaluna: Hypselodoris tryoni (before Risbecia tryoni)
scubaluna: Black finned Sand Eel Eye (Ophichthus melanochir)
scubaluna: Feather Duster Wurm Reef Art
scubaluna: Two Colored Star Coral, Zweifarben Steinkoralle (Favia speciosa)
scubaluna: hearty
scubaluna: Bloated porcupine fish, aufgeblähter Igelfisch
scubaluna: Familiy Clan
scubaluna: Tasseled Scorpionfish, Fransen-Drachenkopf (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala)
scubaluna: Green Urn Sea Squirt - Didemnum molle, Grüne Riffseescheide (Atriolum robustum)
scubaluna: Vomer Conch Eye, Auge der Fechterschnecke (Strombus vomer)
scubaluna: Translucent Coral Goby (Bryaninops erythrops)
scubaluna: Neonsternschnecke, Kunbaryanas`s Nembrotha (Nembrotha kubaryana)
scubaluna: surface of a hard coral (labyrinth coral)
scubaluna: Kneecap Coral, Kniescheibenkoralle (Cycloseris patelliformis)
scubaluna: Magnificent Anemone Shrimp (Ancylomenes magnificus)
scubaluna: Goniobranchus geometricus (before Chromodoris geometrica) - Geometrische Sternschnecke
scubaluna: Clutch of damselfish, anemonefish / Gelege vom Anemonenfisch
scubaluna: Red feather star in the spotlight
scubaluna: Common Marbled Shrimp (Saron marmoratus)
scubaluna: Beautford's Crocodilefish, Braunkopf Krokodilfisch (Cymbacephalus beauforti)
scubaluna: Mantisshrimp, Fangschreckenkrebs (Lysiosquillina lisa)
scubaluna: Anker`s whip coral shirmp, Drahtkorallen-Garnele (Pontonides ankeri)
scubaluna: Good Morning
scubaluna: Gorgonian sea fan next to the reef wall
scubaluna: Dense school of yellow sweepers
scubaluna: Sahaung Colors