scubagator96: "It's a loooong way down."
scubagator96: Slides are fun...
scubagator96: Mom enjoys the slide almost as much as son.
scubagator96: So intent on ball...
scubagator96: Dribbling...
scubagator96: Fun overhang of branches and moss.
scubagator96: Let's go this way.
scubagator96: Sisters and son/nephew.
scubagator96: Fun with dirt!
scubagator96: "J.J., you have to hold mommy's hand."
scubagator96: Yay for stratigraphy.
scubagator96: Let's play in the dirt again.
scubagator96: Exposed roots...
scubagator96: What happens if I throw a rock?
scubagator96: Dirt falls!
scubagator96: Another "overhang."
scubagator96: Looking around...
scubagator96: More exposed roots...
scubagator96: This way.
scubagator96: "Let mommy help you, J.J."
scubagator96: Leaves float!
scubagator96: Hey, at least they're not dirt.
scubagator96: Drawing 'Aunt 'cole.'
scubagator96: Aunt & newphew...
scubagator96: Just missed the kiss... :(
scubagator96: 'Twas a sunny day, that's for sure.
scubagator96: Crawling tubes are good times!
scubagator96: Nice hair, buddy.
scubagator96: Sistine Chapel? Nah.
scubagator96: Laughing...