SCSheola: tall blue iris
SCSheola: purple iris
SCSheola: yellow iris
SCSheola: artist in the garden
SCSheola: bearded iris 2
SCSheola: iris beard closeup
SCSheola: iris bud
SCSheola: blue iris3
SCSheola: iris in blue
SCSheola: artist in the Iris Garden
SCSheola: purple fleur-de-lis / iris flower
SCSheola: yellow iris bud
SCSheola: Voltage, tall bearded iris
SCSheola: iris, Presby Memorial Iris Gardens
SCSheola: peak iris bloom2
SCSheola: Siberian irises
SCSheola: bearded iris
SCSheola: Inner Iris
SCSheola: Yellow Iris
SCSheola: Irises
SCSheola: Bride in the Iris Garden 2
SCSheola: Bride in the Iris Garden
SCSheola: Bride in the Iris Garden 3