SCSheola: Forsythia draping
SCSheola: forsythia redux
SCSheola: blue flowers of early spring
SCSheola: spring flower
SCSheola: pink dogwood
SCSheola: Magnolia blossom
SCSheola: pink tulip... after the rain
SCSheola: Orange tulips2
SCSheola: daffodil duo
SCSheola: red dogwood4
SCSheola: cherry blossom closeup
SCSheola: Lilac... with raindrops
SCSheola: tulip close up
SCSheola: Tulips en masse2
SCSheola: blossoms2
SCSheola: tulips2
SCSheola: apple blossoms
SCSheola: red dogwood2
SCSheola: tulips and hyacinth
SCSheola: bleeding heart
SCSheola: clematis 2
SCSheola: Dual daisies
SCSheola: blue hydrangea petals
SCSheola: Smell the roses at Brookdale Park
SCSheola: the heart of a fiery lily
SCSheola: yellow rose
SCSheola: orange lily
SCSheola: climbing roses
SCSheola: canna leaf and bud
SCSheola: Inner lily2