aperkins01096: 10 King Harry potato plants, 40+ lbs
aperkins01096: Patty Pan Squash
aperkins01096: Japanese Tomato Ring - 8+ ft
aperkins01096: Wilber Method - 6 ft, one plant
aperkins01096: Early Girls as of the end of August
aperkins01096: JTR (Japanese Tomato Ring) - 2 plants
aperkins01096: Strawberry plants and grass clippings
aperkins01096: The Sifter
aperkins01096: Sifted Soil in a neat 3ft square
aperkins01096: Strawberry bed, with sifter in the background
aperkins01096: companion planting on the hugelkultur bed
aperkins01096: companion planting on the lasagna bed
aperkins01096: companion planting on the wicking bed
aperkins01096: Beautiful Yellow Fungus04
aperkins01096: Beautiful Yellow Fungus01
aperkins01096: Beautiful Yellow Fungus03
aperkins01096: Beautiful Yellow Fungus02
aperkins01096: Patty Pan squash, snow peas, and couscous
aperkins01096: patty pan squash halved, then cut to 1/4" slices
aperkins01096: Oh no! That's not Patty Pan, That's SLUGGO!
aperkins01096: sliced orange sweet pepper
aperkins01096: patty pan, side one
aperkins01096: Patty Pan with peppers and a goatee
aperkins01096: just browned under the broiler
aperkins01096: Harvest Day