.scribe: yellowbrickroad II/II
.scribe: Coming? Or Going?
.scribe: The Changing Room of Babel
.scribe: Overlooked
.scribe: One too many
.scribe: Fence on fence on
.scribe: of energy and graves
.scribe: Daywalker
.scribe: Good cop, Bad cop
.scribe: Ruralskynet
.scribe: Waiting for a lift home
.scribe: what light
.scribe: Which way to follow
.scribe: A multiply-exposed frame of Brighton Bandstand at sundown, Diana+ 2009.
.scribe: Mini Line
.scribe: .
.scribe: Lurker
.scribe: Double Doughnut
.scribe: Not metal but metal once stood
.scribe: New dawn
.scribe: Leake Street, August '09
.scribe: I fell asleep and dreamed of cranes and nothing ever woke again.
.scribe: 4door
.scribe: One scene, two worlds
.scribe: An accidental and overlapping double Exposure composed from Aspects of the Seafront at Brighton
.scribe: Say hello...
.scribe: EJB
.scribe: Wafer Thin, Centuries Young, Even a Window Sees Better
.scribe: Everything flows in through this light