scribble1: Pair
scribble1: Hands
scribble1: Catch Me
scribble1: Dancers
scribble1: In the Voodoo Tradition
scribble1: With the Band
scribble1: Into the dance (52/365)
scribble1: finale
scribble1: jump
scribble1: land
scribble1: exit left
scribble1: Hula Hoop
scribble1: In the music tent
scribble1: Parade
scribble1: Doing the stretch
scribble1: Run Skip and Jump
scribble1: Lineup for the swing around
scribble1: He's my dance man
scribble1: Going great so far
scribble1: Boy Dancer 2
scribble1: Boy Dancer 1
scribble1: HipHop