Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Hang in there little guy - - Explored - 09-12-2011
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Eating . . go away . .
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Nicking from the birds
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Time to add an extention
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Eating for more than one
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Checking out the new pad.
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Its MY nut . Go away!
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: I'm going to need a wider lens
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Who needs a zoom now?
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Warning definitely contains nuts
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Chunk's putting on weight