Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Jay & James explore the sands
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: White sands of Machair Bay
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Resting the mules at Bridgend
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Sunset over Port Ellen
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Fresh water from the mountains
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Resting the mules.......
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Time stood still for some!
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Decisions! decisions!! decisions!!!
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Calmac Lochranza ferry
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: A perfect spot to camp
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: You can smell the quiet
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: James waking up to the Atlantic Ocean
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Ideal waves for surfing
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Waking up to the Atlantic Ocean
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: First morning in Base camp
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Jay on the white sands of Machair bay
Screwdriver32,more off than on :-(: Fresh water on the beach!?