screenpunk: Clock at Schiphol
screenpunk: Lower Manhattan
screenpunk: Statue of Liberty
screenpunk: Lower Manhattan
screenpunk: Lower Manhattan
screenpunk: Wall Street
screenpunk: Wall Street Tourists
screenpunk: Wall St
screenpunk: Lunch Conversation
screenpunk: Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge
screenpunk: Ferry
screenpunk: Brooklyn Bridge, One World Trade Tower
screenpunk: IMG_1862
screenpunk: IMG_1865
screenpunk: Clouds over the Hudson
screenpunk: Clouds over the Hudson
screenpunk: IMG_1871
screenpunk: IMG_1872
screenpunk: IMG_1876
screenpunk: IMG_1879
screenpunk: IMG_1880
screenpunk: IMG_1884
screenpunk: IMG_1886
screenpunk: Pepsi Cola
screenpunk: Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge
screenpunk: Consolidated Edison Power Plant
screenpunk: Restoration of the retaining wall
screenpunk: Bronx
screenpunk: Manhattan seen from Soundview
screenpunk: Shorehaven Gated Community Clason Point