Josef Buchanan:
direct supervision
Josef Buchanan:
absent career day
Josef Buchanan:
human resource.
Josef Buchanan:
trial, close of day two.
Josef Buchanan:
trial, day two.
Josef Buchanan:
trial, day two.
Josef Buchanan:
future tattoo for mr. loveland?
Josef Buchanan:
trial, day one
Josef Buchanan:
the layoffs begin.
Josef Buchanan:
corporate comfort.
Josef Buchanan:
press rush
Josef Buchanan:
new developments.
Josef Buchanan:
next round.
Josef Buchanan:
an interview
Josef Buchanan:
trial, day three.
Josef Buchanan:
finger point dream
Josef Buchanan:
more to come.
Josef Buchanan:
burn out.
Josef Buchanan:
corporate burnout part 2
Josef Buchanan:
must die.
Josef Buchanan:
kill the mole.
Josef Buchanan:
connections revealed.