MrPExplores: Abandoned METRA Trains (Chicago, IL)
Berny S2: Zeche RB
Cloakedup: IMG_4140 copy
Marie l'Amuse: Escapades - Lorsque les aurores illuminent les chalets d'alpage @ Plaine-joux, Onnion
MrPExplores: Abandoned Hospital (Chicago, IL)
urban requiem: Et là... la tuile...
Cloakedup: IMG_9011 copy 2
MrPExplores: Abandoned Hospital (Michigan)
Foto-Runner: DSC_2816-HDR
Foto-Runner: DSC_2819-HDR
v2osk.: Shot on the assent of Scarfell Pike The Lake District 05/2024
Foto-Runner: DSC_2628
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Hospital for the African American Insane
MrPExplores: Fort Macomb (New Orleans, Louisiana)
Traveling_Photog: Bologna_Italy
MrPExplores: Funeral Home Sitting Room (Detroit, MI)
MrPExplores: Civic Stairwell (Highland Park, MI)
Foto-Runner: DSC_1650-HDR-Modifier - Copie copie
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Mid-Orange Correctional Facility
A.K. 90: Handwerk
Berny S2: STAL Ljungström turbine
Foto-Runner: DJI_0133
Berny S2: underground
underground.ramzes: It's CORN distillery
underground.ramzes: Green Spirit
underground.ramzes: F U E L base