smiling in the rain: Wish come true -- cod liver oil from Santa
smiling in the rain: Beware when Grandpa puts you in a chokehold
smiling in the rain: I'm the mother of one, and married to the other.
smiling in the rain: Last minute shopping at a variety store in small town Snohomish, WA
smiling in the rain: K looks dazed because she is under the weather
smiling in the rain: Picking out a new tea mug at Bruning Pottery
smiling in the rain: Cat has claimed this doll as her own
smiling in the rain: Christmas Morning Chaos -- K throws packing peanuts to add to the craziness
smiling in the rain: Santa brought the neighbors a trampoline
smiling in the rain: Fuzzy New bathrobe
smiling in the rain: Merry Christmas!