Scrap Pile: Minneapolis lock and dam
Scrap Pile: Minneapolis lock and dam
Scrap Pile: Minneapolis lock and dam
Scrap Pile: Minneapolis lock and dam
Scrap Pile: Minneapolis lock and dam
Scrap Pile: Deborah at Minehaha Park
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: male duck
Scrap Pile: female duck
Scrap Pile: the cherry
Scrap Pile: birds
Scrap Pile: birds
Scrap Pile: momma duck and ducklings
Scrap Pile: bird
Scrap Pile: Walker Sculpture Garden
Scrap Pile: air plants
Scrap Pile: chris, sarah and their guys
Scrap Pile: sarah, levi and rowan
Scrap Pile: the whole fam
Scrap Pile: levi