KPCC: Southern California Public Radio: Metrolink train crash 10
KPCC: Southern California Public Radio: Firefighters rush a victim of Friday's Metrolink train crash to a waiting ambulance. More than 100 people were transported by ambulance or helicopter to local hospitals.
KPCC: Southern California Public Radio: Victims of the Metrolink train crash await medical help in a triage area as rescuers continue their work on the wrecked cars.
KPCC: Southern California Public Radio: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa talks to reporters at the scene of the train crash on Friday night.
KPCC: Southern California Public Radio: Paramedics swarm victims in a triage area near the Metrolink train crash Friday night.
KPCC: Southern California Public Radio: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa talks to reporters shortly after Friday's Metrolink train crash. LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky looks on.
KPCC: Southern California Public Radio: Los Angeles City Fire Chief Doug Barry and Mayor Villaraigosa tell reporters shortly after Friday's Metrolink train crash that casualities will be high.