Scozmo's Photery: Hooded Crow conundrum
Scozmo's Photery: Hooded Crow conundrum
Scozmo's Photery: Spotted Flycatcher at Balintore - side view
Scozmo's Photery: Spotted Flycatcher at Balintore - crop
Scozmo's Photery: Spotted Flycatcher at Balintore
Scozmo's Photery: Traffic jam in Glen Quharity
Scozmo's Photery: Chaffinch male youngster on barbed wire
Scozmo's Photery: Chaffinch male youngster on barbed wire
Scozmo's Photery: Bunny laying low at Glen Quharity
Scozmo's Photery: Bunny at Glen Quharity
Scozmo's Photery: Bunnies at Glen Quharity
Scozmo's Photery: Chewin' on a piece of grass
Scozmo's Photery: Oakmoss lichen
Scozmo's Photery: Peacock on a wood pile
Scozmo's Photery: Robin youngster on a branch - crop
Scozmo's Photery: Robin youngster on a branch
Scozmo's Photery: Linnets on a wire
Scozmo's Photery: Eye catching Tortoiseshell
Scozmo's Photery: Wheatear juvenile - crop
Scozmo's Photery: Wheatear juvenile posing
Scozmo's Photery: Wheatear juvenile
Scozmo's Photery: Wheatear male on a post
Scozmo's Photery: Robin in fallen trees
Scozmo's Photery: Meadow Pipit on the fence watching me
Scozmo's Photery: Meadow Pipit on the fence looking back
Scozmo's Photery: Meadow Pipit on the fence
Scozmo's Photery: Meadow Pipits on the track
Scozmo's Photery: Pheasant youngster - in my eye
Scozmo's Photery: Pheasant youngster - eye to eye
Scozmo's Photery: Pheasant youngster - colouring up