Scozmo's Photery:
Scenes from a Yorkshire landscape - Where once lay tracks - East
Scozmo's Photery:
Scenes from a Yorkshire landscape - Where once lay tracks - West
Scozmo's Photery:
Aysgarth Mill
Scozmo's Photery:
Scozmo's Photery:
a new day
Scozmo's Photery:
A purveyor of cheesy comestibles
Scozmo's Photery:
Scenes from a Yorkshire landscape - Colour and lines
Scozmo's Photery:
Scenes from a Yorkshire landscape
Scozmo's Photery:
Scenes from a Yorkshire landscape
Scozmo's Photery:
And I, I, I, will always love ewe
Scozmo's Photery:
Listen, let me whisper in ewer ear
Scozmo's Photery: