scottwwwwwww: Dinnertime @ Bona's
scottwwwwwww: US Border Crossing. Blaine, Washington
scottwwwwwww: Peace Arch Canada- U.S.
scottwwwwwww: YVR -Vancouver International Airport
scottwwwwwww: YVR -Vancouver International Airport
scottwwwwwww: Approaching YVR
scottwwwwwww: BC cloud tops
scottwwwwwww: BC cloud tops
scottwwwwwww: Rugged BC mountians from the air.
scottwwwwwww: Rugged BC mountians from the air.
scottwwwwwww: BC-Yukon from the air.
scottwwwwwww: Tagish Lake, Yukon, from the air.
scottwwwwwww: Tagish Lake, Yukon, from the air.
scottwwwwwww: Yukon from the air
scottwwwwwww: Yukon from the air
scottwwwwwww: Yukon from the air
scottwwwwwww: Yukon from the air
scottwwwwwww: Yukon from the air
scottwwwwwww: Yukon from the air
scottwwwwwww: Whitehorse, YT area from the air.
scottwwwwwww: My Air Canada dual prop that flew me back to Vancouver, BC.
scottwwwwwww: The crow. The symbol of the Yukon. Painting inside YXY.
scottwwwwwww: Downstairs at YXY..Whitehorse Intl
scottwwwwwww: YXY runway. Whitehorse International Airport
scottwwwwwww: Air North @ YXY Yukon's Airline
scottwwwwwww: YXY runway
scottwwwwwww: Inside YXY Whitehorse International Airport
scottwwwwwww: Inside YXY Whitehorse International Airport
scottwwwwwww: Yukon aviation plaque
scottwwwwwww: YXY runway. Whitehorse, YT