scott unrein: Quinn
scott unrein: Luca
scott unrein: Quinn sleeping in Judy's hospital room
scott unrein: Leaving the hospital
scott unrein: Luca learning to flip over
scott unrein: Quinn flips over
scott unrein: Quinn's first bath
scott unrein: Luca's first bath
scott unrein: Quinn, 1 month old
scott unrein: Luca, 1 month old
scott unrein: Luca in repose
scott unrein: Who said that?
scott unrein: Quinn awake and alert
scott unrein: Luca's blue steel
scott unrein: Quinn smiles (at Aunt Kari)
scott unrein: Quinn @ 4 months
scott unrein: Luca @ 4 months
scott unrein: Halloween 2010
scott unrein: Quinn and Luca at Thanksgiving
scott unrein: Mema came to visit
scott unrein: Aunt Kari smiling with the boys
scott unrein: Gma with the boys.
scott unrein: Luca @ 8 months
scott unrein: Quinn @ 8 months
scott unrein: New blocks from Uncle Bruce
scott unrein: Luca @ 9 months
scott unrein: Quinn @ 9 months
scott unrein: Quinn and Luca eating soba for lunch