scottshooter: 399 and cubs
scottshooter: Bald Eagle Portrait
scottshooter: Bison Shake
scottshooter: Momma Bison and her "red dog"
scottshooter: Momma Fox
scottshooter: Big Horns on the prowl
scottshooter: Vision of Yellowstone
scottshooter: Birdie Launch
scottshooter: Friendly Coyote
scottshooter: Yellow-Bellied Marmot
scottshooter: Fox kit kiss
scottshooter: Fox/kit discussion
scottshooter: Fox kits exporing their world
scottshooter: Wolf/Coyote/Bison - a Yellowstone Moment!
scottshooter: Lamar Valley Wolf
scottshooter: Fox on the run
scottshooter: Grand Tetons
scottshooter: Goldeneye at Trout Lake
scottshooter: Harlequin Duck
scottshooter: Black Bear Cub Stand
scottshooter: Kit Climb
scottshooter: Wolf in Autumn Colors
scottshooter: Wolf in the Pines