scottmontreal: Casseroles au toit - Rooftop casserolers
scottmontreal: Québec carré rouge fleur de lys
scottmontreal: Education is a right
scottmontreal: Militant armed with a club at CLASSE demo
scottmontreal: Les Soeurs de St-Sacrament de Vuvuzela d'encourager la manif CLASSE - Sisters of St-Sacrament of Vuvuzela cheer on the CLASSE demonstration
scottmontreal: Family menace at the CLASSE demonstration
scottmontreal: Proud, queer, Quebecois & on strike at CLASSE demo
scottmontreal: Mini militant casseroler at CLASSE demo
scottmontreal: Casseroles 26 mai, This is what democracy looks like
scottmontreal: Casseroles 26 mai, This is what democracy looks like 2
scottmontreal: Casseroles 26 mai, Place Emilie Gamellin
scottmontreal: Casseroles 26 mai, Révolte de la Sainte Famille
scottmontreal: Woman against Loi 78
scottmontreal: Illegal demonstration cone's eye view.
scottmontreal: Family @ May 22
scottmontreal: Famillie @ 22 mai
scottmontreal: POLISSE!
scottmontreal: 3 Cowgirls contra la hausse
scottmontreal: Hardcore photographer
scottmontreal: hands and fists
scottmontreal: Invasion de Westmont: 5000 dire va te faire foutre à premier ministre Jean Charest. 5000 invade Westmont to say "Fuck You" to the Premier
scottmontreal: Manif illegal contra la Loi 78, 21 mai, Montreal
scottmontreal: Montreal riot police at play
scottmontreal: The Montreal riot police are fueling the violence (they charged us seconds later)
scottmontreal: Un povocateur en tee-shirt bleu avec une roche/ Provacateur w rock in his hand
scottmontreal: Casseroles 26 mai, Place Emilie Gamellin 2 This is what democracy looks like
scottmontreal: Anonymous welcomes the mob armed with pots and pans
scottmontreal: Casserole comrades block Boul. St Urbain
scottmontreal: Casserole comrades
scottmontreal: 500 arrested at midnight Quebec demonstrations