scottmontreal: Lawrnce, Dominican farmer - photo 1/16
scottmontreal: Lawrnce shows the kush-kush vegitable root palm- photo 3/16
scottmontreal: Bananas emerge from the inflorescence - photo 4/16
scottmontreal: Lawrnce shows protective wrap for bananas - photo 5/16
scottmontreal: Black Sigatoka fungus on banana tree - photo 6/16
scottmontreal: Discarded chemical bottles used to treat banana trees - photo 8/16
scottmontreal: Dominca pesticide and fungacide sheet for tropical farms - photo 9/16
scottmontreal: Mike w natural fungacide: Grow N Show, Dominica - photo 10/16
scottmontreal: Gardarie-Day Care babes, moms & workers
scottmontreal: Anti Austerity barcoded
scottmontreal: Truckers HONKING against asterity
scottmontreal: FMLN guerrillas, Chalatenago, El Salvador 1992
scottmontreal: FMLN looking at my Polaroids of them
scottmontreal: Baby & Ruis Felipe, Son de la Cuidad, Cafe Europa, Havana
scottmontreal: Ismael Vantour Causse - Pintor, Musico, Grabador, Havana Cuba
scottmontreal: Beautiful child, Gaza march
scottmontreal: Die-In, NDP Mulcair office
scottmontreal: Palestinian flag on Mont Royal
scottmontreal: Palestinian child, Gaza solidarity demo, Montreal 23 july 2014
scottmontreal: The Left Republic
scottmontreal: Mathilde Blais - memorial bicycle
scottmontreal: Mary Ellen Davis, 1er mai 2014
scottmontreal: Drummers, 1er mai 2014
scottmontreal: Metalos femmes 1er mai 2014
scottmontreal: Metalos hommes 1er mai 2014 s
scottmontreal: CSQ 1er mai 2014
scottmontreal: Immigrant Workers Centre, 1er mai 2014 s
scottmontreal: Ni Dieu, Ni Maitre w Eglise Notra Dame and police spy helicopter.
scottmontreal: Debut - Front
scottmontreal: Anarchopanda vs Quebecor