scottmontreal: Barbadians Takoma Park 4th of July 07 parade
scottmontreal: Abby: Code Blue Block, Takoma Park 4th of July Parade 2007
scottmontreal: Code Blue - Climate Change!
scottmontreal: Neturei Karta & Independent Jewish Voices Montreal
scottmontreal: Palestinian & Independent Jewish Voices Montreal banner
scottmontreal: Torture Canada
scottmontreal: Montreal Freak Bikes @ Kyoto demo 04.22.07 web
scottmontreal: DanceMan @ Kyoto demo, Montreal
scottmontreal: A-Ram demo Women's line
scottmontreal: Israeli "Refusniks" who refused to serve in the military
scottmontreal: No War No Warming- Code Pink activist arrested at the Capital. Wash DC 10.07
scottmontreal: Bread & Puppet Circus-final
scottmontreal: Got Tuition?
scottmontreal: My President is Black!
scottmontreal: Electric Slide "Obama Hustle" video - Obama victory, Washington, DC
scottmontreal: Cheer-leaders
scottmontreal: St Denis & Mt Royal, Montreal - Kayoto Day
scottmontreal: Three Secret Judges
scottmontreal: Adil's supporters
scottmontreal: Gaza demo Montreal Dec 2008
scottmontreal: Advocat et la police
scottmontreal: Certificats
scottmontreal: Orthodox Jews: Solidarity for Gaza
scottmontreal: Independent Jewish Voices Montreal
scottmontreal: Lorraine Guay donne des cartes
scottmontreal: Manif pour Gaza
scottmontreal: My friends were killed while playing - Gaza demo
scottmontreal: Gaza Solidarity
scottmontreal: Woman at the Israeli consulate
scottmontreal: Children - collateral damage