scottmontreal: Pooch Snatch
scottmontreal: Garbage & Heron
scottmontreal: Florida Zen USA
scottmontreal: Hornbill storks, Paynes Prarie, Fl
scottmontreal: buzzard
scottmontreal: crow at Lake Okachobee, FL
scottmontreal: Jelousy
scottmontreal: Maria at Lake Ochechobie lock
scottmontreal: Maria in Mexican restaurant, Pahokee FL
scottmontreal: Maria on the shore, Lake Ochachobee, FL
scottmontreal: Mexican restaurant, Pahokee FL
scottmontreal: Desiree & Lydia
scottmontreal: Spanish Oak - Paynes Prarie, FL
scottmontreal: Sugar cane field, Belle Glades, FL
scottmontreal: beryl wood tree stump
scottmontreal: Torture Canada
scottmontreal: Bread & Puppet Circus-final
scottmontreal: Joy on U Street
scottmontreal: Braxton-walking-across-road
scottmontreal: Obama victory celebration
scottmontreal: My President is Black!
scottmontreal: Obama victory celebration, Washington, DC
scottmontreal: Cheer-leaders
scottmontreal: Code Blue - Climate Change!
scottmontreal: Obama victory celebration -raise your hands!
scottmontreal: Got Tuition?
scottmontreal: Braxton-&-Emily
scottmontreal: Three of a kind
scottmontreal: Busker, Square Victoria
scottmontreal: Obama victory celebration