scott_massed: Prickly Phlox
scott_massed: Sand Lilly
scott_massed: Opuntia
scott_massed: Dune by Night
scott_massed: Sand Lilly
scott_massed: Penstemon
scott_massed: A Dune Legume
scott_massed: California
scott_massed: Cliff Side Flora
scott_massed: Trillium
scott_massed: Spathe Spadix
scott_massed: Sagebrush Country
scott_massed: Large Stones
scott_massed: Toasted Juniper
scott_massed: Window Succulent
scott_massed: Summer to Fall
scott_massed: Mountain Mahogany
scott_massed: Herbarium Voucher
scott_massed: The Trail
scott_massed: Windswept and Lonesome
scott_massed: The Crew
scott_massed: Wine Vine
scott_massed: Quite Large
scott_massed: Towering
scott_massed: Contrasting
scott_massed: Converging
scott_massed: General Sherman Sequoia
scott_massed: Beaming Light
scott_massed: Heavenly Sequoia