tropicostation: lenticular clouds
tropicostation: amazing clouds
tropicostation: cool plate
tropicostation: instructors Eric and Tony set up the practice crag
tropicostation: pictograph
tropicostation: climbing
tropicostation: climbing
tropicostation: Joe climbs
tropicostation: Joe almost at the top
tropicostation: me climbing
tropicostation: me climbing
tropicostation: me at the top
tropicostation: the practice crag
tropicostation: random climbers on a rock
tropicostation: our campsite at Indian Cove
tropicostation: Kirk, Ofir and I scrambling above Indian Cove
tropicostation: above Indian Cove
tropicostation: Kirk and Ofir at the top
tropicostation: lenticular cloud
tropicostation: Kirk and Ofir at dinner
tropicostation: Jen adds fuel to the fire
tropicostation: huge fire!
tropicostation: nocturnal spidery insect
tropicostation: nocturnal spidery insect
tropicostation: instructor Pat shows how it's done
tropicostation: instructor Pat climbs
tropicostation: instructor Eric climbs
tropicostation: tied in