ScottRL: Little fingers
ScottRL: Basking in the sun
ScottRL: Baby toes
ScottRL: IMGP1248
ScottRL: IMG_4719
ScottRL: IMGP1257
ScottRL: IMGP1170-799435
ScottRL: IMGP1218-718246
ScottRL: Hi there!
ScottRL: IMGP1516.JPG
ScottRL: IPTX_11-21-2006_0099_1
ScottRL: Rock on!
ScottRL: IMGP1603.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP1650.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP1667.JPG
ScottRL: How much is that baby in the mirror?
ScottRL: Peek-a-boo
ScottRL: Toothy grin
ScottRL: Peaceful
ScottRL: Wha???
ScottRL: Night-night
ScottRL: Contemplating her fingers
ScottRL: IMGP2187.JPG
ScottRL: Rachel 2-18-07
ScottRL: You're not going to pull my ears anymore, are you?
ScottRL: Rachel and shadow
ScottRL: Homie
ScottRL: To the moon!
ScottRL: How do I get that one way up there?
ScottRL: Ta Daaaa