ScottRL: IMGP5408.JPG
ScottRL: The great-grandkids
ScottRL: The great grandkids and two on the way
ScottRL: Grandkids and great-grandchildren
ScottRL: Children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren
ScottRL: IMGP5421.JPG
ScottRL: The whole gang
ScottRL: The original "Laleman seven"
ScottRL: IMGP5336.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5337.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5338.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5343.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5345.JPG
ScottRL: Nate and Charity
ScottRL: She looks so natural
ScottRL: IMGP5352.JPG
ScottRL: Eric the monkey
ScottRL: IMGP5357.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5362.JPG
ScottRL: Fishin for a frisbee
ScottRL: IMGP5369.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5376.JPG
ScottRL: Brianna
ScottRL: Jordan
ScottRL: Rachel sees a baby
ScottRL: IMGP5394.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5401.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5400.JPG
ScottRL: IMGP5398.JPG
ScottRL: Makin' lemonade