ScottRL: Day 1/ghosts in the kitchen
ScottRL: Day 2/Buzzzzzz
ScottRL: Day 3 (week 1)/Head to Head
ScottRL: Day 4/Self-Cleaning
ScottRL: Day 5/Five Day Shadow
ScottRL: Day 6/Big Brass Ones
ScottRL: Day 7/Clean!
ScottRL: Day 8/Reflecting on the Past
ScottRL: Day 9/Bear Down
ScottRL: Day 10/Home
ScottRL: Day 11 (week 2)/The World in My Eye
ScottRL: Day 12/Take a hike!
ScottRL: Day 13/TCEA
ScottRL: Day 14/Seven Feet
ScottRL: Day 15/Daddy and Baby
ScottRL: Day 16/Five Acres
ScottRL: Day 17 (week 3)/Need some help with that?
ScottRL: Day 18/Houston, we have a problem
ScottRL: Day 19/Happy Valentine's Day
ScottRL: Day 20/The Afternoon Drive
ScottRL: Day 21/Spots
ScottRL: Day 22 (week 4)/Just one of the toys
ScottRL: Day 23/I got nuthin'
ScottRL: Day 24/Me and my shadow
ScottRL: Day 25/Eye of
ScottRL: Day 26/Grillin' and Chillin'
ScottRL: Day 27/Bad Mac!
ScottRL: Day 28/TGIF
ScottRL: Day 29/Rachel's eye view of Daddy
ScottRL: Day 30/Drippy